Responsive modifiers enable specifing different column sizes, offsets alignment and distribution at certain viewport widths.
Percent based widths allow fluid resizing of columns and rows
Offsets by viewport
A cell, inside a row, inside a cell, inside a row.. ooh you get it!
Auto Width
Add any number of auto sizing cells to a row. Let the grid figure it out
You can also specify on which viewport the grid should figure it out whether or not it should apply it.
This defines the alignment along the main axis. It helps distribute extra free space left over when either all the flex items on a line are inflexible, or are flexible but have reached their maximum size.
Similar to the above except you can specify the behaviour of how flex-items are laid out along the cross axis, instead of main axix, of the current line.
You an also specify on what viepoint the grid will apply to alignment
Add classes to distribute the contents of a row or column
Add classes to reorder columns.